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Phosphorus Cybersecurity

Phosphorus Cybersecurity® is the leading CPS Protection Platform delivering a proactive approach to security management and breach prevention for the exploding IoT, OT, IIoT, and IoMT attack surface. Designed to find and secure the rapidly growing, unknown, and often unmonitored world of Cyber-Physical Systems across the xTended Internet of Things landscape, our Unified xIoT Security Management Platform provides unmatched security management and breach prevention across every industry vertical—delivering high-fidelity discovery and risk assessment, proactive hardening and remediation, and continuous monitoring and management. With patented xIoT Intelligent Active Discovery and risk assessment, Phosphorus automates the mitigation and remediation of the most significant IoT, OT, IIoT, and IoMT device vulnerabilities – including unknown and inaccurate asset inventory, default credentials, out-of-date and vulnerable firmware, risky configurations, banned and end-of-life devices, and expired or self-signed certificates

All xIoT devices discovered through active polling, not traffic monitoring. Deterministic discovery means first-time and accurate classification. 

Unmatched high-resolution device detail with granular risk assessment and deep device metadata. All without hardware, agents, or complexity.


Safety is the foundation of our platform. Devices are fully classified without operational impact on mission-critical, life-critical, and other sensitive cyber-physical devices.